Monday, February 20, 2006


So, ranked #6 in the country my alma mater, George Washington is really flourishing. What's amazing is I remember a time where you couldn't pay someone to go to the Smith Center for a game.

"Hey, you guys want to go to the game?"
-"Nah, there's a really interesting special on the history lawn fertilizer"
-"I just had Pizza-Pasta and I really can't move now."
-"I know the Smith Center is across the street and all, but making this garbage castle in the living room is just too much fun right now."
-"Isn't basketball season over?"

Excuse after excuse after excuse. Freshman year we saw the downfall of SirValiant Brown, who the year before wowed the nation with a 29 point scoring average (2nd place overall...and he was a freshman). Yep, that year the team didn't break .500. Thus ended the Penders era, which ushered in the Hobbs era. Hobbs, a UConn recruit master, brought in a few players along with a new staff. We, as students, living in a city, with hundreds...literally hundreds of other things to do, paid little attention. Until now.

The team hasn't been this good in years! Like 70 years!! A record of 22-1...undefeated in the A-10...longest win streak in the nation (14)...longest win streak in school history...#6 in the nation...#1 in the DC-MD-VA area. People are writing about us. I'm writing about us. We're on ESPN. We're regularly in the WaPo...and not because one of our players sexually assualted a prostitute.

Will this streak continue? If GW wins out the rest of their season (another 4 games) they will finish 26-1. Only seven teams since 1999 have finished the season with one loss. Truly amazing. It's possible too. LaSalle (17-7, 9-4 A-10); Charlotte (16-9, 9-3 A-10) will be tests for this team. With that said, GW/Fordham is 2/25. I'll be in the Bronx for this one. If you're there...join me.

Monday, January 30, 2006

I'm back

Alright, much has changed in the world since I left...but fear not, I have returned. So let's see what's happened.
  • Jack Mehoff
  • Scalito
  • The NSA
  • Exxon Mobil

Very interesting. Each one of these topics could be a book on their own. Or two or three. So a lot has been going on. But truly, the topic that i came across today, which is the only reason I'm even on blogger, is this article here. Keep reading...and wait for it...

"My first message is to the butcher of Washington, Bush: You are not just defeated and lying about it, but you are, with God's help, a loser..."

Loser? Is this what the debate has come down to? Name calling? I'm almost hoping for a response of "That's not what your mom said last night." WTF? The sad part is, I'm sure that's what *'s saying.

But all in all, after reading the whole article, it's truly amazing that we don't have jihadists in the US (at least more of them). Couple that with such websites as Global Terror Alert, and watch those videos. It angers me what our country is doing, and I'm American! Can you imagine how that plays to someone who just lost his house/family/country in the middle east?

Yikes. On a seperate note, this was too good not to share...

Wednesday, November 30, 2005

No Exit

First, I'm proud that i'm alluding to Jean Paul Sartre in this post...goes to show that I haven't completely forgotten 11th grade English. So today the NSC released its white paper on the future of Iraq. Seems to me like its just politics, and basic WH talking points. Let's hope they get their act together. In the meanwhile, let me just share a quote from one Mr. Robert McNamara, who in my opinion is a great man. Regardless of his actions during the Vietnam War, he is one of the few people who has taken responsibility for mistakes, and one of the few who has made the legitimate effort to fix those mistakes. Irregardless, in his memoir, In Retrospect, McNamara laid out a few key strategies for exit in Vietnam. Let's take a look:

“…the chiefs took particular exception to my recommendations that we ‘eliminate the ambiguities from our minimum objectives’ in Vietnam. As I have said, I had urged that we base our policy on two principles:

  • Our commitment is only to see that the people of South Vietnam are permitted to determine their own future, and;
  • This commitment ceases if the country ceases to help itself.”

So it kind of makes me wonder what the future in Iraq will be. Couldn't we simply substitute the words "Vietnam" with "Iraq" in this situation? We've seen the inability of our current leaders to look at history and make decisions, but could this be one of those times where they actually do?

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Best Show Ever?

"We can visit your uncle once a month"
"You mean we can be like his period?"

This show is a "gem" as my friends would say. Absolutely. By far one of the funniest shows on television. Wittier than the Simpsons, and twice as crude. Just the way TV should be. Screw you fundamentalist parent groups!

"There's a half dead fat guy eating another fat dead guy. Yeah...So, we're just going to ignore this then?"

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

More Surreality

It seems fitting for late November to quote one of the, in my opinion, staples of American culture, Robert F. Kennedy (though I must admit, I believe Albert Camus was the original, but in any case) who 3 Days ago, would have turned 80. While we all may have our own vices and our own needs, and certainly I'm one of those people, it's beneficial to all of us to just sit back and take a look at the world around us sometimes. Most of my time as of late is spent reading about cases where a greedy plaintiff is suing a greedy defendant, and the arguments set forth by the greedy attorneys who decided to take their respective causes. Not much of an existence, I admit. So, in my own greed for self gratification, to show that I still do care, and that not all of my will has escaped me I look to the world around me. WestChester County, NY isn't exactly the beacon of struggle, and if it is an Audi, Nieman Marcus or a new Trump Tower that is inspiring me, then I'm not in it to win it.

"If you do not do this then who will do this?"

Monday, November 21, 2005

Next on ESPN, the Little League World Series!

I'm not normally one to tout how cool the Bush Administration is, but this photo is just plain baller. Any good captions are welcome. Seriously, how cool would that be?

Sunday, November 20, 2005

The Parking Garage

Alright, so I'm in NYC for my friend Becky's birthday. Great dinner at Matador, fun time at Sway, and its about 2:00am in Tribeca when I decide to trek it back to the car. So my buddy Matt joins me, because i promise to drop him off at our friend Laurie's place in Murray Hill...(yes, Murray Hill, not Gramercy, Laurie).

We end up grabbing a cab after walking downtown instead of uptown and get to the garage. So this is where it gets interesting. Matt is obviously intoxicated and rings the bell at the garage (33rd and Lex), while cursing of course. The attendant makes it over at his own leisurely pace and takes my $25 (not bad for almost 8 hours of parking). He brings my car out of its space, drives it no more than literally 10 feet and gets out. Me, not thinking because its now 2:30am and i'm exhausted, I get in the car and shut the door. Matt's still walking in and he hears the guy mutter in Spanish some curses and then calls me a "fah-got" (pronounce like Penelope Cruz in Blow). Very funny stuff. Matt of course curses him out and we make the getaway.

So this one goes out to you Mr. Could Have Gotten a Tip if he Didn't Curse at Me. You suck! I drove away in my '96 Maaaaazda and you rubbed one out listening to Los Lobos!