More Surreality

It seems fitting for late November to quote one of the, in my opinion, staples of American culture, Robert F. Kennedy (though I must admit, I believe Albert Camus was the original, but in any case) who 3 Days ago, would have turned 80. While we all may have our own vices and our own needs, and certainly I'm one of those people, it's beneficial to all of us to just sit back and take a look at the world around us sometimes. Most of my time as of late is spent reading about cases where a greedy plaintiff is suing a greedy defendant, and the arguments set forth by the greedy attorneys who decided to take their respective causes. Not much of an existence, I admit. So, in my own greed for self gratification, to show that I still do care, and that not all of my will has escaped me I look to the world around me. WestChester County, NY isn't exactly the beacon of struggle, and if it is an Audi, Nieman Marcus or a new Trump Tower that is inspiring me, then I'm not in it to win it.
"If you do not do this then who will do this?"
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